20 maio, 2021

Arroz Cremoso de Tamboril e Camarão

Não é a primeira vez que faço arroz de tamboril. E por aqui até já existe uma versão. Mas estamos sempre a fazer as mesmas coisas e vamos fazendo de maneiras diferentes. E melhoramos de alguma maneira a receita como a fazíamos inicialmente. Por isso acho que faz sentido quase repetir a receita com as alterações que acho que a tornam ainda mais saborosa. Prefiro usar caldo caseiro de camarão ou peixe, que faz a diferença, e uma ou outra alteração que fizeram deste arroz um pitéu!

Ingredientes para 4 pessoas:

600g de tamboril em pedaços (já limpo)

500gr de camarão cozido grande

1 cebola

1 folha de louro

2 tomates maduros

2 dentes de alho

azeite q.b.

1 malagueta seca

sal e pimenta q.b.

Coentros frescos q.b.

1 medida de arroz

caldo caseiro de camarão ou peixe ou ambos (cerca de 1,5l para a quantidade de arroz que usei)


Leve um tacho ao lume e refogue ligeiramente a cebola com o alho e a folha de louro. Junte o tomate picado, os talos dos coentros também picados e tempere com a malagueta, pimenta e sal. Deixe refogar tudo uns minutos e junte os pedaços de tamboril, deixado cozinhar um pouco. Acrescente depois o arroz, envolva bem e acrescente cerca de 1 litro de caldo de camarão ou peixe caseiro, e rectifique os temperos. Deixe cozinhar cerca 15 minutos em lume brando, e se vir que o arroz está a secar, vá juntando um pouco mais de caldo caseiro bem quente e agitando o tacho.

Descasque os camarões e corte- os ao meio ou em 3 consoante o seu tamanho e reserve uns 4 para decoração final. Junte quando o arroz estiver praticamente cozinhado. Se necessário junte mais caldo ao arroz de modo a ficar com um arroz malandrinho.

Deixe acabar de cozinhar até o arroz estar no ponto.

Sirva de imediato polvilhado com coentros frescos picado e com alguns camarões inteiros reservados.

Bom Apetite!

18 comentários:

  1. Olá,
    Com licença, mas apenas para lhe dizer que somos uma empresa local e oferecemos empréstimos em dinheiro a todas as pessoas sérias e honestas, a fim de aumentar suas atividades ou fazer uma compra. A taxa de juros é de 3% ao ano.
    Para mais informações, entre em contato conosco por e-mail ou Whatsapp.

    Email: simondurochefort@gmail.com
    Whatsapp: +33752366330

  2. پوشش منهول کامپوزیت متراکم، مقاوم در برابر سایش و خوردگی است که زنگ نمی زند، بنابراین نیازی به تعمیر و نگهداری نیست. داخل پوشش منهول کامپوزیت توسط میله های فولادی مشبک تقویت می شود و برای اطمینان از ایمنی در هنگام وارد آمدن ضربه شدید از یک نیروی خارجی، فشار پراکنده می شود.

    از آنجا که پوشش منفذ دریچه کامپوزیت فاقد مواد فلزی است، خطر زنگ زدگی و سرقت وجود ندارد، که نه تنها هزینه های نگهداری جاده را تا حدود زیادی مرتفع می کند، بلکه ایمنی عابران پیاده و وسایل نقلیه را نیز تضمین می کند. علاوه بر این، پوشش های منهول کامپوزیت سبک تر از پوشش های منهول فلزی است که برای جابجایی و تخلیه بسیار راحت تر است و همچنین باعث صرفه جویی در هزینه ها می شود.

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  7. Anónimo18:49

    Hello everyone, I'm here to share this testimony of how braxtonquickhackhas made it possible for me to retrieve all the money I lost while I was trying to invest in cryptocurrency. I was able to upgrade my credit score with the help of their services as well. I taughtt it would be nice to share this here with anyone who might have gone through the same predicament I went through in the hands of this investment scam. You can reach braxtonquickhackservices@gmail.com

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  10. Contacting daniel meuli recovery will allow you to quickly locate lost bitcoin. You must contact daniel meuli recovery if you require a recovery hub for your lost bitcoin, need assistance with a mistyped password, want to move cryptocurrency to the correct wallet address, or think your wallet has been exploited. I played a bitcoin win game and lost more than $75,000. Thanks to daniel meuli Recovery's excellent effort, the money I unlawfully lost has been restored.This hacker collective uses cutting-edge computer tools that can quickly recover monies. daniel meuli Recovery is a reliable company that can be reached by using:
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    Contact: hi.techrecovery01@protonmail.com
    Telegram: @hitechrecovery

  12. Anónimo17:30

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    Contact: hitechrecovery21@proton.me
    Telegram: @hitechrecovery

  13. All Thanks to Saclux Comptech Specialst for giving me a reason to smile again. I lost all my savings in the hands of a fake investment platform. In April 2020 I was scammed by Coincrypto Tech Bitcoin. I invested half a Million dollars and After 30 days I tried to withdraw on their website from the investment account but an error came up so I contacted the support team to ask what the problem was. They told me that I didn’t have the required amount to make a withdrawal yet and that I should add more Bitcoin to enable me to withdraw, So I put in more Bitcoin and tried withdrawal again, and the same thing came up error. I then started to tell them they were scammers but they kept saying they were legitimate companies. They even gave me 2 other customers that will verify their legitimate company. I emailed and asked them and they told me it’s all okay. I decided to keep making payments to them when they still didn’t refund I emailed back those 2 customers that they had working for before, but they just went mute without replying to my mail, That is when I stopped all communication with them and started to look for recovery agent on the internet and I met with so many agents but all of them needed upfront fees before starting recovery my lost funds. Therefore a family friend recommended Saclux Comptech Specialst to me, and am grateful to  sacluxcomptechspecialst@engineer.com for their honest recovery solution. Viber:+44 7782 645302 

  14. I am writing to share my testimony as a victim of Bitcoin recovery, in the hopes that it may offer you some encouragement and guidance in your journey. A few years ago, I found myself in a devastating situation. I had invested a significant amount of my hard-earned money into Bitcoin, hoping to capitalize on its growing popularity. Unfortunately, I fell victim to a fraudulent scheme that left me empty-handed and feeling utterly defeated. To fast forward to today, I am happy to share that my efforts have paid off. While the process was far from easy, I was able to recover a significant portion of my stolen funds with the help of a recovery agent who was recommended to me by my neighbourhood group. This victory not only restored my financial stability but also renewed my faith in the power of resilience and determination. Am using this opportunity to appreciate Saclux Compatech Specialst for their honest job recovery, and also recommend anyone to them who was also a victim of a scam like my self, This is their email to contact sacluxcomptechspecialst@engineer.com
    Viber:+44 7782 645302  

  15. Last month, I fell victim to an online scam, losing $214,000 in Bitcoin transactions. Desperate to recover my funds, I discovered an expert recovery agent via Bitcoin abuse at Wizardassetrecovery@gmx.us and WhatsApp/text +1 (315) 756-1228. Having assisted numerous individuals in similar situations, I reached out and provided the necessary details. Remarkably, within 48 hours, he successfully recovered my money. I can't express my gratitude enough for his swift and effective assistance.

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  17. FOR STOLEN OR HACKED CRYPTOCURRENCY FROM YOUR WALLET REACH OUT TO ROOTKIT HACKER I’ve read many stories about people recovering their funds after losing them to scammers and I thought it was another scam, but after losing all my funds to a cryptocurrency investment scam, I had no other choice but to research a recovery platform that can help me with the recovery of my funds. I stumbled upon Rootkit Hacker online and contacted them immediately. I was very impressed by their service and how quickly they helped me recover my cryptocurrency funds. Truly their service is top-notch. I’m highly recommending them to everyone who wishes to recover their funds. Reach out to them via email at rootkithacker1@outlook.com
